Jewish educator,


& musician

Unlock the magic and power of Jewish ritual and practice through a queer, feminist, earth-based lens.

Registration is now open for an upcoming class:

Prayer in Word, Prayer in Action: Abraham Joshua Heschel’s Teachings on Prayer, Halacha, and Justice: In this six-part series taught by Kohenet Avra Shapiro, we’ll explore what, according to Heschel, makes prayer hard, what makes it powerful, and what makes it necessary. We’ll dive into the value of halachic practice and the potential for spiritual ascension through the “common deed.” And finally, we’ll also investigate Heschel’s way of understanding the timeless wisdom of the prophets, and how their words can infuse our work for justice today.

Mondays, November 4-December 9 at 7 pm est.

Upcoming Classes

Learn with Kohenet Avra

Be it through one-on-one learning or in a group class, learn with Avra all that our sacred tradition has to offer and how we might find healing and transformation for today’s world. Invite them to teach in your community, facilitate a ritual, lead a niggun circle, or work with your child in preparation for their b’nei mitzvah.

Kohenet Avra Shapiro is a deeply creative, insightful thinker, an empathetic listener, and a talented musician who knows how to awaken the heart and soul. Avra’s rituals and teachings combine a profound Jewish sense with embodied presence in the moment, as well as a visionary commitment to justice and inclusivity.
— Rabbi Jill Hammer

“Avra’s Torah is brimming with brilliance and beauty. They are a deep thinker who brings a high level of depth, sophistication and knowledge to their teachings. They open up the possibilities of connection and aliveness in a way that is rooted in tradition and grounded in embodiment.”

-Rabbi Grace Gleason