Rituals and Ceremonies

As a trained Kohenet, Avra believes in the power of prayer and ritual to bring wholeness and healing into our lives. We undergo many transformations in our lives, many of which are often unrecognized by society, that could benefit from ritualized witness and support.

Bring Avra in to craft personalized rituals around life cycle moments such as: funerals, weddings, baby namings, bar/bat/b’nei mitzvot, breakups/divorces, gender affirming surgery, job changes, and other life transitions that could be supported via a ritual container.

Adult Education

Bring Avra to your synagogue or Jewish communal organization to offer one-off or multi-session classes. Classes can be adapted to fit your community’s needs. Sample classes include: Reclaiming the Divine Feminine, Sacred Space/Sacred Time, Jewish Dreaming, The Embodied Torah of Song.

A mizbeiyach, or altar, created by an Eden Village camper during Avra’s Jewish Magic elective

Youth Experiential Learning

Years in the Jewish education world have shown Avra that young people are often oriented towards the mystical- the weird, the fascinating, the unexplainable. Avra teaches Jewish content as a magical and sacred body of wisdom, sparking a life-long curiosity and wonder for Judaism.

Bring Avra into your Hebrew school, day school, Jewish summer camp, and more. Offerings can be tailor-made to meet the needs of your community. Sample classes include: Jewish Magic Series, Jewish Magical Creatures, Blessings as Sacred Spells, Eco-Judaism, Jewish Dreaming.

Avra also consults around curricula content and educational programming.

Music & Prayer Leadership

Bring Avra into your community to lead Shabbat services that are songful, creative, interactive, and suited for various ages.

Invite Avra to sing at your event or lead a niggun circle.

B’nei Mitzvah Preparation

Invite Avra to prepare your child for their B’nei Mitzvah.

Students of all ages and denominations can learn to read Hebrew, chant Torah, lead services, as well as engage in Torah learning and write their own words of Torah. Avra has experience working with various types of needs, including students with autism and ADHD, and loves incorporating students’ interests into the lessons. If the family is not connected to a synagogue, Avra enjoys working with families to design and officiate services that work for them.

“Avra is a talented, intuitive ritual leader. When I couldn't take on funerals or other life cycle events I would send people Avra's way and know they'd be well cared for and well led. Avra has tutored many of our brightest b'mitzvah students with attention and care, challenging them not to just perform Judaism but to experience it as meaningful, as theirs. Oh, and did I mention they have an amazing voice? They sang with our Davening Team– leading solos, writing music, and humbly using their voice in the service of creating sacred moments for anywhere from a dozen to a thousand people. Avra is a gem.”

-Rabbi Lizzi Heydemann, Founder & Rabbi, Mishkan Chicago