Leyning with Heart

Tuesdays, June 25-August 27


In this 10-week class, we will create a fun, dynamic, and supportive container for participants to learn and practice leyning, or chanting from the Torah (leyn means “read” in Yiddish) in the traditional Ashkenazi forms. Through various activities and games, students will learn everything from the most common to the most unusual Torah trope (musical notation system). We will root in the “what it is we’re doing here.” What were our ancestors doing in creating this notation system? What are we doing today? And why does it matter? 

Reading from our sacred text in the original form is a holy act, and an honor that should be accessible for all who want to learn. You do not need to be a skilled singer- all voices welcome! It is recommended that you already are able to read Hebrew prior to this class. (If you'd like to learn how to read, be in touch as I offer 1:1 tutoring for learning Hebrew reading as well). This class is especially welcome to BIPOC, queers, women, all who feel overwhelmed by this process, all who feel they “don’t know enough to learn,” and all who want to be able to maybe one day fulfill the mitzvah of chanting for their community. This class will be geared to all types of learners- kinesthetic, auditory, visual, reading/writing. Students of all ages welcome. 


  • Class will meet on Tuesdays 4 pm pst/6 pm cst/7 pm est

  • Class meets weekly from June 25 - August 27

  • Classes will run for 1 hour and 30 minutes

It is totally acceptable if you cannot make some nights- this is to be expected for a ten-week summer course. All classes will be recorded and materials will be sent out.


  • Sliding scale $240-480

  • Solidarity rate* of $180 is reserved for BIJOCSM (Black, Indigenous, Jews of Color, Sephardi, and or Mizrahi folks)

  • If you are interested in taking the class but cost is a barrier, please reach out!

*This is a discount for people who have been historically and continue to be disenfranchised from Jewish community. 

Testimonials from Past Participants

“Avra is an incredible teacher of Torah and I loved their leyning class. As an adult learning Torah for the first time, I was intimidated, but their class was fun, accessible, nonjudgemental, and incredibly empowering. They gave everyone in the class so much individualized attention and tailored the class to each of our learning styles and levels of knowledge. They even sent us all recordings and materials so that we could continue practicing on our own!! Can’t recommend studying with Avra enough, they are a blessing of a person and an amazing teacher!”

-Elijah Burger, member of Western Mass queer/trans Havurah

“I am so, so grateful for this course. I became an adult B-Mitzvah at age 67, which was my first introduction to chanting Torah – and I loved it. But as in many hard, new skills, I was able to chant the lines of my passuk, but didn’t really grasp the fundamentals. My shul recommended this course and I jumped at the opportunity. Avra’s teaching includes a systematic introduction to each trope with clever, interactive ways to practice and put them to memory. They provided valuable audio resources (I still refer to them!), their singing is sweet and accessible, and their approach promotes confidence. Now I chant Torah regularly at my shul and I’m extremely grateful for the learning I did with Avra!”

-Miriam Cohen, member of Kolot Chayeinu

“Leyning with Heart was so much fun! There was a great mix of activities that catered to different learning styles. I loved learning with people of various ages and with a mix of people who were refreshing their chanting skills and those who were learning trope for the first time. The class prepared me well to leyn at my synagogue soon after, and I now plan to keep doing it regularly.”

-Eve Gutman, member of Kol Tzedek

Past Classes

Summer 2023: Leyning With Heart: | Virtual | Teacher

Summer 2023: Shuv L’Makom | Virtual | Teacher

Winter 2023 Music & the Jewish Heart with Congregation Leyv Ha-Ir| Zoom | Teacher

Spring 2024: Prayer as Home for the Soul: Abraham Joshua Heschel’s Teachings on Prayer with Judaism Unbound | Virtual | Teacher