• October 2-4 & 11-12: Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur Services with Congregation Leyv Ha-ir | Philadelphia, PA & Virtual | Cantorial Soloist

  • September 28: S’lichot with Kol Tzedek | Philadelphia, PA & Virtual | Musician/Prayer Leader

  • September 28: S’lichot with Congregation Leyv Ha-Ir, Society Hill, and Beth Shalom B’nai Zaken | Philadelphia, PA | Musician/Prayer Leader

  • August 18: Tzedek Lab Network Gathering | Virtual | Avodat Lev

  • July 15-16: Joey Weisenberg Selah Album Recording | Philadelphia, PA | Choir Vocalist

  • July 13: Let My People Sing | Isabella Freedman Jewish Retreat Center, Falls Village, CT | Shabbat Services Leader

  • June 25-August 27: Leyning with Heart | Virtual | Teacher

  • May 1, 8, & 15: Prayer as Home for the Soul: Abraham Joshua Heschel’s Teachings on Prayer with Judaism Unbound’s UnYeshiva | Virtual | Teacher

  • April 23: Seder with Congregation Leyv Ha-Ir | Philadelphia, PA | Cantorial Soloist

  • April 21: Freedom Shul of the Poor Musical Performance with Batya Levine | Virtual | Vocalist

  • March 25: Purim with Congregation Leyv Ha-Ir | Philadelphia, PA | Cantorial Soloist

  • March 8: Musical Kabbalat Shabbat with Congregation Leyv Ha-ir | Philadelphia, PA & Zoom | Cantorial Soloist

  • February 16: Musical Kabbalat Shabbat with Congregation Leyv Ha-ir | Philadelphia, PA & Zoom | Cantorial Soloist

  • January 19: Musical Kabbalat Shabbat with Congregation Leyv Ha-ir | Philadelphia, PA & Zoom | Cantorial Soloist

  • January 16 & 30, February 13 and 27: Music & the Jewish Heart | Zoom | Teacher


  • December 8: Musical Kabbalat Shabbat with Congregation Leyv Ha-ir | Philadelphia, PA & Zoom | Cantorial Soloist

  • November 5: Cheshvan Queer Niggun Circle | Zoom | Co-Lead

  • November 4: Rising Song Concert with Aly Halpert at Congregation BZBI, featuring Koach Baruch Frazier, Rachel Chang, Kohenet Avra Shapiro, and Jessie Reagan Mann | Philadelphia, PA | Musician

  • November 3: Musical Kabbalat Shabbat with Congregation Leyv Ha-ir | Philadelphia, PA & Zoom | Cantorial Soloist

  • October 13: Musical Kabbalat Shabbat with Congregation Leyv Ha-ir | Philadelphia, PA & Zoom | Cantorial Soloist

  • September 15-17 & 24-25: Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur Services with Congregation Leyv Ha-ir | Philadelphia, PA & Zoom | Cantorial Soloist

  • August 28: Let My People Sing | Isabella Freedman Jewish Retreat Center, Falls Village, CT | Shabbat Services Leader

  • July 26: Tisha B’av Program with Congregation Leyv Ha-ir | Zoom | Ritual Facilitator

  • July 21: Musical Kabbalat Shabbat at Beth David Synagogue | Greensboro, NC | Guest Prayer Leader

  • July 20: Rosh Chodesh Learning & Song Circle with Marni Loffman and Rena Branson at Beth El | Durham, NC | Musician & Teacher

  • July 11th-August 29: Shuv L’Makom | Virtual | Teacher

  • June 15-August 3: Leyning With Heart: | Virtual | Teacher

  • June 29-July 9: Camp Isabella Friedman | Isabella Freedman Jewish Retreat Center, Falls Village, CT | Faculty

  • June 11: IfNotNow Philly: Song and Dance for Justice and Liberation | Philadelphia, PA | Musician

  • May 25-26: Kohenet Tikkun Leil Shavuot | Virtual | Teacher

  • March 20: Freedom Seder Revisited with Aly Halpert at the Weitzman Jewish Museum | Philadelphia, PA | Musician

Aly Halpert, Elliot Beck, and Avra singing at the 2023 Freedom Seder at the Weitzman National Museum of American Jewish History.