Adult Classes

Sample Classes

  • Oh My Goddexx: Cultivating Our Personal Relationship With the Divine

  • Sacred Space, Sacred Time

  • Leyning With Heart

  • Jewish Dreaming

  • The Embodied Torah of Song

  • From the Wellspring of Liberation: Women as Spiritual Leaders

Descriptions for all classes can be found below.

Session Descriptions

Oh My Goddexx: Cultivating Our Personal Relationship With the Divine

“Those of us who grew up with a God-image that was painful or didn’t fit our souls- we may find it difficult to relate to God because we’re still relating to that distressing God-image. Those experiences can leave some scar tissue in the devotional heart. What would it be like to shift that… To say: ‘God, I know you’re bigger than any language, but I need you to be close to me.’ “ Rabbi David Ingber 

In this six-part series, students will learn about the history of the Sacred Feminine in Judaism and root in a lineage of Jewish witches and troublemakers at the margins. Through the use of poetry, midrash, hitbodedut, guided reflection, and other Jewish spiritual technologies, we will grieve, dream, investigate and expand our own personal relationships with the Divine, with the goal of feeling more connected, held, and whole in this lifetime. Bring your pain, bring your yearning, bring your questions, and bring your loving hearts to this heartful offering. 

Sacred Space, Sacred Time

In this six-part series, students will engage with Jewish orientations towards cultivating sacred space and sacred time. Students will set goals for themselves for their personal Shabbat practices and will be supported in our community of practice. Texts will include The Sabbath (Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel), Jewish With Feeling (Rabbi Zalman Schacter Shalomi), Magical Judaism (Jennifer Hunter), and more.

Leyning With Heart

In this eight-part series, students will learn how to chant from the Torah within the context of a supportive class environment. Students will explore different texts to support our learning, including from Joey Weisenberg’s The Torah of Song. Each student will be working towards the goal of chanting Torah in their community. For those that don’t have a home community, we will put on an online service in which students who wish will have the opportunity to put their skills to use and invite loved ones to attend.

Jewish Dreaming

Rabbi Jill Hammer speaks of the dreamworld as the “Undertorah,” a deep well of revelations that connect us to each other and the web of life. In this six-part series, students will dive deeply into what the wisdom of the Jewish canon has to provide around dreaming, studying biblical texts, Talmudic technologies such as the “dream court” for transforming bad dreams, Kabbalistic approaches, as well as those of modern Jewish voices. The content of students’ dreams will be a key source of material. You do not have to be a strong rememberer of your dreams to participate!

The Embodied Torah of Song

In this four-part series, students will root in various Jewish insights and practices in order to deepen our spiritual singing practice. Utilizing practices such as quieting and listening, attuning to one another, opening ourselves as receivers of sacred melody, as well as the wisdom ancient and more modern Jewish technologies, students will come away more in touch with their voices as sacred vessels. No singing experience required- all skill levels welcome and encouraged!

Note: this class is best done in-person and can be adjusted to be a one-time workshop.

From the Wellspring of Liberation: Women as Spiritual Leaders

Jewish spiritual leadership has always expanded beyond the role of the Rabbi. Women and folks on the margins of Jewish society have always held important roles in their communities, including midwives, prophetesses, holders of grief, weavers, seekers, sacred fools, and more. In this Jewish enrichment class, students will learn what these important roles looked like across Jewish history and geographies, and will engage in practices to help them tap into the wisdom each role has to offer. Class can be done in an 6-8 session series but is flexible.

Bring me to your synagogue or Jewish communal organization! I offer classes both in person and virtually, and can adapt classes to fit your community’s needs.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
— Quote Source